
Videos and Downloads

Please find our brochures and information to download below. For first-time users, you will be directed to register, and once you have completed the registration, you may verify using the email address you have registered with to download the brochures and watch the videos.


If you have questions, please contact us

Curriculum Information

Elementary Curriculum

Secondary Curriculum

IBDP and High School Curriculum

High School Profile

Admissions Information

Admissions Handbook 2023/24

Admissions Handbook 2024/25


Curriculum Overviews

Individualized Learning at ³Ô¹Ï´ó±¾Óª

³Ô¹Ï´ó±¾Óª Student’s Spotlight

Let us show you more!

Discover a world of opportunities under one roof as this truly international education creates and offers choices of curriculum suited to your child's future path.